Saturday, June 04, 2005

Sorry It's Been a Week...

Yah this blog was supposed to have been at least a bi-weekly affair, but unfortunately, or fortunately for me I have been working all week. Yah back to a real time job, first time since January. It has actually been fun, working at Sport Chek of all places selling bikes and other gear. All the blokes I work with are all bike nerds like me, and the girls think I'm the flirty cool new guy... with mystique.

I'm heading out today to my cousin's wedding in Butt-*expletive deleted*, Saskatchewan. Its a wedding where the attending parties have been instructed to NOT dress up, and that blue jeans the garment of choice for the evening. Martinis and Wine...I think not. Jack and Beer Chasers...I think so! "Attention, we have a piper down, I repeat a piper is down"!

Music Du Jour: The Killers - Hot Fuss (whole album ROCKS) if you have to listen to one track it would have to be All These Things That I Have Done. Download it now, and when mid song comes you know the part where the lights dim down, the music fades out, and the guitars slowly build up, yah crank it for me, and when you fall in love with the song, remember who your musical daddy is...

Slurpee Du Jour - Well its only noon, not quite slurpee time yet, but I do have 3/4 of Pepsi slurpee frozen in the freezer right now, and another empty slurpee cup next to me with a melted root beer bottom.

Jeopardy Question of the Day: Suicide Hot Wings, 5 Draft Beers, and a bag of Jalapeno Doritos...What are three things that should never be consumed in any combination within a 4 hour time frame, especially when you have an important business meetings the next morning!


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