Thursday, June 29, 2006

Halleleujah - Jeff Buckley


Out of hell and back to the light, from propaganda spewing commie bastards to common sense free-thinking neighbourly people in this city/country called Singapore! China sucks ass that's all I have to ever say about that place any more but the other day I heard one of the greatest analogies of China that I think deserves to be shared and spread around.
"If the world is God's personal beanbag chair, then China is that spot where God's sweating asscheeks and nutsack come to rest."
And after another five excruciating months living in Guangzhou avoiding random attacks and thefts, it is a pretty accurate statement if you ask me.

I am back online and I have five months of blog updates to make up for now that I can access my blog now that I am out from behind Commie Government censors.