Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Beast and the Dragon - Spoon

First I lay down news like that and then I disappear again, what the H?

Well most of you know, I usually have at least 2 or 3 projects on the go at all times to keep my mind entertained. Over the last month I have had absolutely nothing to do, and it was driving me mad...oh god...I just choked on a swig of milk and coughed it all over the computer screen...

Back...well after spending a week or so taking care of all the details needed for my Singapore employment pass I finally found myself in a position to do waste some time and leave the country for a bit, but with little money and lots of time I had very limited options. This is where the bicycle comes into play. Time for Malaysia Tour 2007, two years after the first.

Same route as last time, although this time I cycled through the mountains that we skipped our last time out. And instead of cycling all the way north, I only made it part way up the coast before meeting some friends on the really, not at all the same route as last time.

The wildlife this time seemed to be much more abundant, here is a list of my experiences:
a) monkeys...monkeys everywhere, I was rushed by monekys not once, but twice for filming the baby. I even had three at one time try to surround me. I found that hissing at them with teeth bared and flinging your leg around like a tasered methhead works well at scaring them off.

b) squirrels...both of the giant black racoon size kind and the flying variety

c) flying foxes...or nasty rodent bats with wings the size of mini hang gliders.

d) monitor lizards...I almost ran over the tail one of these three foot long beasts as it scampered out in front of my bicycle.

e) and finally the baboon or other baboon like monkey! This thing was massive, I passed it as I flew down a hill and passed it as it sat along a riverbank just in front of the tree line. And after hearing stories of baboon behaviour and previous primate encounters...I decided to go back. To be safe, I got my camera out and decided to try and fire off shots as I slowly cycled past in case the thing decided to charge. Funny thing was when I whizzed by on my bike the thing didn't move, but when I slowly went by at first notice it jumped back and stared my down from the trees. That was my cue to leave.


At 1:43 PM, Blogger Roann said...

I soo know what you mean about a month of waiting...hallooo? that is exactly what i am still going through. Last time i went through this i was going to interviews, house hunting. This time I decided after a spiritual transformation on Saltspring island to be still. Be still and do countless headstands and uhh..i have no bike...i'll let you know the results..


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