Saturday, May 19, 2007

Have a Drink On Me - ACDC

Funny Story, like a big hat, its funny, heh.

So here I am in Singapore. What? Singapore again? Yup, I was shortlisted for entrance into the national university, one of the most prestigous in the world, so I decided to take a shot at competing with the booksmart kids, ten years out of my prime. I actually did really well on the exams, but there were other reasons for the flight out here. I thought I would partake in some cycle touring to fulfill some obligations which I did. Also, I thought I would take one last shot at getting a job in the television industry before jumping into 3 or 4 years of university.

My flight was due to leave Singapore in 4 days when I picked up the phone to make one last shot at talking to the ESPN/Star Sports people here before leaving again with my head down. Upon talking with the HR rep, I was told to email in my CV asap. The next day I was emailed by the Exec. Producer of ESPN Sportscenter, and told to come into the office the next morning. So yesterday I went into the office after a full night of preparing so that I didn't punt the interview like a similar occasion last year. After failing to get much sleep the night before, I walked into the office caffiene fueled and confident, and walked out one hour later as the new Assistant Producer of ESPN Asia Sportcenter!!!

Hell YAAA my dream job!!! I am still in a state of shock, as anyone who follows my exploits knows...luck is not something that is usually associated with my life, but lucky I was. Right place at the right time, from submitting my resume to being hired less than 48 hours later. And to think, it only took about 5 submissions to get noticed.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Chris Luczka said...

Nice work man, we all had a drink at the Fox for you in celebration.


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