Friday, March 23, 2007

For the price of a cup of tea - Belle & Sebastian

Pet Peeve of the Day: North America!!

I don't get it! In Asia you can pick up your computer, head to your neighbourhood starbucks or McDonalds and plug into your computer, log onto wireless internet (free!), order yourself a drink and surf porn, I mean do your work for a couple of hours, sans hassles. Now here in Canada I have been trying to do the same thing, and its impossible! First off everywhere wants $7.50 for an hour of wi-fi access...excuse me! Do people actually pay that? But not only that try and find a place that will even let you plug into the wall, ain't gonna happen. Don't they know that if they let you plug in, that you're going to buy their rediculously overpriced coffee or tea and if they're really lucky a pastry as well. So in the mighty words of Lonny and Donny in Rushmore, "Pull your heads out of your ass".

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