Thursday, March 06, 2008

Snake Charmers Assc - Broken Social Scene

Who just about ran over a black spitting cobra yesterday on his bike??? I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been riding through some of Singapore's islands and into Malaysia this week, and yesterday I was on watch for a python whilst on my bike (I just said "whilst", thats awesome). I didn't see the python but came across a big black snake in my path, and as I tried to go around the blackie flared up to reveal its infamous cobra hood, scaring the shit out of me as I had no idea that there were cobras in this neck of the woods and then I found out later that the neurotoxin wasn't enough, this particular breed here has the capability of spitting its venom into the eyes of big bastards like myself.

I almost got a pic of the 1.5 meter long serpent, but I think the snake mistook my camera for a "I'll blow your head off firearm" and slid off into the tall grass and bush. FINALLY! For the first time in my life I have seen my first wild snake...and wasn't it a good one to start with, the Equatorial Spitting Cobra!