Friday, June 17, 2005

Scared (The Tragically Hip)

So I always told myself that if I seen a grizzly bear in my time hiking around, that I was going to be one of those stealth photographers hiding in the bushes, trying to get the National Geographic cover shot...well I seen ran into two of the big bastards the other night and I say FUCK THAT!!

I took a bike out from work and I was on my way to meet a couple girls from work for after work bike ride, I decided I would take the long way around the Bow River Loop Trail to meet them so I get some extra riding in. I think maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do. On my way there I spotted a bear track in the ground, hmmm big bear tracks how glorious, then as I lookked up and rounded the corner there was momma bear and mid-sized cub facing me. I did the usual and slowly backed and turned around and then rode like hell. Screw you National Geographic you ain't getting no cover shots today.

On a side note, when myDad was out here last week, I pointed out a mountain surrounding the town and told him, "by the end of the summer I am going to climb that mountain". Well it took me exactly one week, I did it yesterday! 1 down many more to go.

Music: Air - 10,000Hgz some really good songs with Beck guesting on this innovating electro-space pop group's second album.


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