Saturday, October 22, 2005

Validation At Last!!

So I sent an email before to Pat Morrow, a Canadian adventurer and living legend in the climbing world. He was the first person EVER to climb the seven summits in 1986. It just so happens that he lives in Canmore 45 minutes east of me here in Lake Louise. I had sent him some info on our upcoming project and goals both personal and charitable, and today he emailed me back. He's also a film guy now, making adventure docs, he wants to meet with me next week about helping out with the project which he remarked "WOW", I am so stoked and excited!! Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck!!

Slind Out, oh sorry that was sooo 5 months ago.

Everybody's Changing - Keane

"What did you think Mr. Littlejeans?"
"Best Play Ever man!"

You ever think of your life as a book, play, or movie? Well sometimes I do, and right now I really think I have finished one book, and starting a new one. I recently read an article about "mental coach" Jim Fannin, whose clients include A-Rod, Michael Jordan, and Lance Armstrong among others. The article says Average Joe has 3000 thoughts a day, 60% of those having no purpose, while these superstars have only 1200 thoughts a day every single one of them with a purpose. Relaxed, clear headed and focused on the task at hand, that's how these people have become so focused, that and an extaordinary amount of natural talent.

I think anyone that knows me well can say that I am a litte bit scatterbrained at times. An idea man, my mind was always running all over the place, sometimes I would run with the ideas but many times not. Over the last six weeks I have tried to implement some of these theories into my daily life and I think it has been working. Lately I am focused!!! I am doing this trip next year, it is all I think about, and I'm not just dreaming about it..."wouldn't it be nice". Its problem solving thoughts, funding, route planning, sponsors, how's it going to work, fitting in the right peices of the puzzle. Laying awake at night, jaw relaxed, with my filtered thoughts at hand, Seven Summits and a girl. More about the girl another time.

This new book is very interesting, I think I will carry on reading.

Music: I have found all of my old Hooverphonic CD's, and downloaded a new one, god there is some awesome trip hop on there. Some of it just brings back instantaneous memories of times abroad. Like BB gun fights in the hallway on two floors of our apartment building with my two best buds, or throwing waterbaloons at cars from four stories up with the same buds. There is one new song that I completely fogot about though, and it is a f@#*ing awesome song. Magenta, its off the Blue Wonder Power Milk album. Listen to it once and you will be hooked, I guarantee it!

By the way, does anyone actually hede any of my reccomendations and listen to some of the music I talk about. Let me know if you do, and what you have liked, maybe I'll try and keep you updated with more suggestions.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Tourist - St. Germain

If life were a book and you have never traveled, you've only read the first page.

Returning home is the order of the day I guess. After 5 months in Lake Louise, I am going to be returning home to Saskatoon at the end of the month. Oh, and the girl I spoke of in an earlier post, she's moving back to Saskatoon with me as well, at least for two months throught to the new year, so I guess I'll see where that goes. Knowing my time here is limited I have been taking full advantage of my time here, running, hiking and biking in the snow this week. Running 800M of elevation up a hill to gain a full view of the valley as the snow falls into rain down below at valley level, I love it, and I am going to miss it so much when I go back to the flat prairie lands. But the move is necessary to continue working on the tv show and around the world trip for next summer.

I guess some of you have been wondering if I have forgotten and moved away from that idea yet, NO! Everyday thoughts of the bicycle tours permeate my thoughts, distracting me from the work at hand. The only thing that gets me through a day of work is the knowledge that it is helping me attain my goal of world domination, ahem I mean travel.

Music: The String Quartet tribute to Coldplay - There is one for Radiohead as well that kicks ass! This orchestra recreates entire albums in a classic symphonic style. It is well worth the listen.

Slurpee: If you look closely at the picture you can see me sucking back the icy cola goodness!

Deep Thought: In his youth, if Tim Horton's face was repeatedly targeted by jelly donuts thrown by school bullies consequently developing a severe phobia of the gluton rich treats, do you think old Timmy would be where he is today?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Soma - Bass is Base

Remember the last time you discovered new old music??? Well this summer I started listening to an album that I hadn't listend to in about 7 years at least, and man it is good tunes.

Music ahead of its times, some of you will remember their songs, Funkmobile, I Cry, Diamond Dreams. The whole album is good, a blend of funk, hip hop, and soul. Still listening all the time and you should all take a listen to as well. I love finding these new old albums, its like Christmas all over again. So here is your assignment for the week, its easy. Let me and the rest of our readers what your favourite new old album is and what are the best of songs. Lets see what you can do.

I'm waiting.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Flying Foxes - Moby

So the other day I was laying on the couch watching the re-launch of NHL hockey (don't even get me started on how good it is to watch hockey again!!!) when a little furry grey mouse ran up the side of the couch and around my head before running down and over to the other couch and around. I tried catching the wiley ball of fuzz, but my efforts were futile as all I was doing turning the house upside down as I flipped couches over tyring to do flying elbow drops onto the innocent I gave up.

Tonight again he made an appearance as Suzanne my roomate and her mother were in the house. This time they all decided to pitch in, adamant they weren't afraid of mice. So following the thing into the hall closet, we began to throw shoes into the hall searching, to no avail. With the closet's contents strewn about the hall, we were about to give up yet again thinking the tiny thing had dissapeared, but Suzanne decided to try looking in the milkcrate filled with old gloves and hats for the fourth time. This time, with both of us on our hands and knees eyes locked on the blue plastic dairy holder, as her hands pulled the crate toward us a giant ball of ferocious furry fluff came flying through the air, claws and teeth in attack mode, with one goal on its take us out!! Think of the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation..."SQUIRREL!!!"

Lucky for us, it only flew for about a foot before falling to the ground where I pinned it with a broom and then grabbed him by the tail releasing him outside teeth claws and all. The funny thing was watching my roomate's reaction to the flying mouse. A ear shattering shriek followed a cat like jump of about a foot, I'm still laughing now thinking about it.

Music: Nothing really new to report, Sigur Ros still ruling the playlist.
Movies: No movies, HOCKEY!!! Need I say more.
Pet Peeves: Guys in high speed motorized wheelchairs flying in and out of pedestrian traffic while talking on their cellphone. How many more people have to almost get hurt before someone stops the madness!!!