Friday, October 14, 2005

The Tourist - St. Germain

If life were a book and you have never traveled, you've only read the first page.

Returning home is the order of the day I guess. After 5 months in Lake Louise, I am going to be returning home to Saskatoon at the end of the month. Oh, and the girl I spoke of in an earlier post, she's moving back to Saskatoon with me as well, at least for two months throught to the new year, so I guess I'll see where that goes. Knowing my time here is limited I have been taking full advantage of my time here, running, hiking and biking in the snow this week. Running 800M of elevation up a hill to gain a full view of the valley as the snow falls into rain down below at valley level, I love it, and I am going to miss it so much when I go back to the flat prairie lands. But the move is necessary to continue working on the tv show and around the world trip for next summer.

I guess some of you have been wondering if I have forgotten and moved away from that idea yet, NO! Everyday thoughts of the bicycle tours permeate my thoughts, distracting me from the work at hand. The only thing that gets me through a day of work is the knowledge that it is helping me attain my goal of world domination, ahem I mean travel.

Music: The String Quartet tribute to Coldplay - There is one for Radiohead as well that kicks ass! This orchestra recreates entire albums in a classic symphonic style. It is well worth the listen.

Slurpee: If you look closely at the picture you can see me sucking back the icy cola goodness!

Deep Thought: In his youth, if Tim Horton's face was repeatedly targeted by jelly donuts thrown by school bullies consequently developing a severe phobia of the gluton rich treats, do you think old Timmy would be where he is today?


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