Saturday, October 08, 2005

Flying Foxes - Moby

So the other day I was laying on the couch watching the re-launch of NHL hockey (don't even get me started on how good it is to watch hockey again!!!) when a little furry grey mouse ran up the side of the couch and around my head before running down and over to the other couch and around. I tried catching the wiley ball of fuzz, but my efforts were futile as all I was doing turning the house upside down as I flipped couches over tyring to do flying elbow drops onto the innocent I gave up.

Tonight again he made an appearance as Suzanne my roomate and her mother were in the house. This time they all decided to pitch in, adamant they weren't afraid of mice. So following the thing into the hall closet, we began to throw shoes into the hall searching, to no avail. With the closet's contents strewn about the hall, we were about to give up yet again thinking the tiny thing had dissapeared, but Suzanne decided to try looking in the milkcrate filled with old gloves and hats for the fourth time. This time, with both of us on our hands and knees eyes locked on the blue plastic dairy holder, as her hands pulled the crate toward us a giant ball of ferocious furry fluff came flying through the air, claws and teeth in attack mode, with one goal on its take us out!! Think of the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation..."SQUIRREL!!!"

Lucky for us, it only flew for about a foot before falling to the ground where I pinned it with a broom and then grabbed him by the tail releasing him outside teeth claws and all. The funny thing was watching my roomate's reaction to the flying mouse. A ear shattering shriek followed a cat like jump of about a foot, I'm still laughing now thinking about it.

Music: Nothing really new to report, Sigur Ros still ruling the playlist.
Movies: No movies, HOCKEY!!! Need I say more.
Pet Peeves: Guys in high speed motorized wheelchairs flying in and out of pedestrian traffic while talking on their cellphone. How many more people have to almost get hurt before someone stops the madness!!!


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