Saturday, October 22, 2005

Everybody's Changing - Keane

"What did you think Mr. Littlejeans?"
"Best Play Ever man!"

You ever think of your life as a book, play, or movie? Well sometimes I do, and right now I really think I have finished one book, and starting a new one. I recently read an article about "mental coach" Jim Fannin, whose clients include A-Rod, Michael Jordan, and Lance Armstrong among others. The article says Average Joe has 3000 thoughts a day, 60% of those having no purpose, while these superstars have only 1200 thoughts a day every single one of them with a purpose. Relaxed, clear headed and focused on the task at hand, that's how these people have become so focused, that and an extaordinary amount of natural talent.

I think anyone that knows me well can say that I am a litte bit scatterbrained at times. An idea man, my mind was always running all over the place, sometimes I would run with the ideas but many times not. Over the last six weeks I have tried to implement some of these theories into my daily life and I think it has been working. Lately I am focused!!! I am doing this trip next year, it is all I think about, and I'm not just dreaming about it..."wouldn't it be nice". Its problem solving thoughts, funding, route planning, sponsors, how's it going to work, fitting in the right peices of the puzzle. Laying awake at night, jaw relaxed, with my filtered thoughts at hand, Seven Summits and a girl. More about the girl another time.

This new book is very interesting, I think I will carry on reading.

Music: I have found all of my old Hooverphonic CD's, and downloaded a new one, god there is some awesome trip hop on there. Some of it just brings back instantaneous memories of times abroad. Like BB gun fights in the hallway on two floors of our apartment building with my two best buds, or throwing waterbaloons at cars from four stories up with the same buds. There is one new song that I completely fogot about though, and it is a f@#*ing awesome song. Magenta, its off the Blue Wonder Power Milk album. Listen to it once and you will be hooked, I guarantee it!

By the way, does anyone actually hede any of my reccomendations and listen to some of the music I talk about. Let me know if you do, and what you have liked, maybe I'll try and keep you updated with more suggestions.


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