Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Shiver - Coldplay

Happy first day of winter everyone!!!

Oh, sorry I guess we are one season ahead of everyone here in the rockies. On what is the official first day of fall, we're already through with fall and onto winter. Yesterday we had a hight that barealy cleared the freezing mark, and were deluged with a snowstorm in the middle of the afternoon. As the clouds lifted at the end of the afternoon, the whole town did a dance as the mountains revealed their marshmallowy tops, all you could hear were people talking about how this was going to be the best snow year ever. Well thank you very much you idiots, you just jinxed it!! Now as soon as the calendar flips to December 21st, I'm sure the skies will dry up and we will forgo winter here automatically switching to sprummer.

I am lover of breakfast cereal, and there is no better way to start a day than with a nice big bowl of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, or LIFE brand cereal. Those two are my favourites, when I was kid I had a thing for Corn Pops, but every time I filled the bowl up and added milk, the milk would raise the Pops to high and they would spill over the top of the bowl. So instead of filling the bowl slightly less, I gave up the sugary breakfast goodness.

I watched a new TV show last night with one my favourite comedic actors in it...My Name is Earl. I laughed my ass off. Its on NBC on Tuesday nights, watch it!


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