Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Madder - Groove Armada

And now its time for deep thoughts with Jack Handy...If I were a Keebler elf and the tree village down the road started on fire and could no longer make cookies, I would discount my flour to the rest of the villages hoping to recuperate some of the volume lost to the malfunctioning village on fire.

How in anyone's common sensical mind, can a hurricane (don't even get me started on Katrina!) in the bayou of America where not a drop of oil is produced cause gas prices to jump .25 cents a litre. For you Americans that can't do conversions multiply that by four to get a gallon. Its not like they are using more oil down there either, cuz by all accounts I didn't think anything was working, hmmm wouldn't you think they are using less oil. And how in the hell can a jump at the pump like that go unpunished by John Q Public! You are the ones with a voice and you don't use it. And if you think sending emails around to not buy gas at specific gas stations on certain days is going to work, then come on over to my house I have some ice cream that smells funny for you. If you're waiting for someone to start something for you, you're going live a long jaded life. And if you think the news should report something about it that may get the public going, there is only one word you need to know...libel! The thing is if someone starts a demonstration, then its news and the AP has free reign. Don't believe me...outrage and apathy spreads like spicy curry farts the morning after a $6.99 all you can eat Indian Buffet. Never underestimate the underdog!!

For shits and giggles lets figure this out, and for added tickle factor lets take into account the other .25/liter fuel prices have risen in the last two years (in total .50 cents/liter increase). .50 cents a liter x 50L (per tank) = $25.00/week x 4 weeks = $100/month x 12 months = $1200/year. That's $1200/per year you have lost over the last couple of years with the jump at the pump. We will walk out on our jobs and picket outside all day and night in the elements fighting the man for a one dollar and hour raise ($1920/year) but when it comes to oil prices we sit on our thumbs and twirl. I don't even own a car, I walk and ride bikes and I'm pissed off, I can't even fathom how you drivers can sit idle. Tha's just for fuel for your car, I haven 't even factored in the rise in prices for airfares and buses etc. that you have paid over the past two years.

Now there are only two ways to handle this situation, 1) Everyone stop driving and ride or take public transportation, even though I wish it would happen, it never will.
Or 2) Demonstrate, the last I heard this was a democracy!! Picket the pumps, do anything, just don't waste your time writing your political representative, we all know they are in debt to the corporations. Celebrities, this is where you should step in, stop fighting for forgiven debt in Africa, money that will get spent on warheads, do you even realize you are aiding criminals? The governement officials you are supporting are even more currupt and criminal than the same ones you denounce come election time hear in the N. America, conveniently which coincides with your latest album or movie release. Rise up, do something, "Attica, Attica"!!!

One last nugget. Did you realize while I lived in China for two years the price for fuel in China was .50 cents/liter, and that price did not increase at all during the Iraq war!!! So much for shortages and cutoffs. And this is a communist country that depends on the rest of the world to feed their need to supply oil to their 1.3 BILLION citizens, and fuel did not rise one red cent!!

So if you feel like I do, forward this message or the link to my site onto your friends. There is only one way to start a revolution and this is where it begins...grassroots baby!!

By the way the Dave Matthews Band rocks!!


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