Friday, September 02, 2005

Rome Wasn't Built In a Day - Morcheeba

So I had one of the rankest days that I have had in a long time, but you know its all good now, all I needed was a little sleep and a couple minutes staring at this pic, telling myself I get to go back there in 6 weeks.

So why is it that one guy can effect so many lives in a few minutes. Today I walk into work this morning, only to have this French colleague start berating into me about not "communicating" to him that the boss had decided to put certain shoes on sale, in front of everyone else no less. The same shoes that were put on sale three weeks ago with big yellow sale stickers above them on the shoe wall, go figure! Whatever, I have learned to just shrug off the Frenchman's outbursts as just him being French. So I go about doing a job that Boss One had told me to do a earlier in the week. Meanwhile while Boss Two sees me and says she wants it done another way. Then Frenchman decides he's had enough of "communication" problems and decides he is going to take it up with Boss Two, who is decidely pissed off after their conversation. And to appease Frenchie she comes up and tells me to stop doing the job (which she just told me to do15 mintues earlier) because that's not how she wants it done. So then when I start undoing the job I was beginning, she gets upside down and when I ask her to clarify what she really wants me to do, she tells me to tone down the attitude. Shortly after Boss Three comes by and asks me why I'm not carrying out my project for the day...ARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!

My question is this, how is that the over-emotional Frenchman can pull a manager aside and tell them that they are doing a poor job and get away with things scott free, while another guy who is actually doing their job instead of standing around with their thumb up their ass, gets the aftermath. Fuck I was steaming mad, in my younger days I would have spoken my mind and probably walked out, but I am older and wiser now, wink wink. It all worked out in the end though, as Bosses One, Two and Three "communicated" and I got as much as an apology as I'm ever going to get, and then offered me the last half of the day off, which I took without hesitation. Thing is I really like my bosses, and think they are good people that are doing their best but just got brought down by one person in a bad mood. So again, why is that one person can bring down the collective mood of so many people. Is it because we let them or is it our combative nature that we want to fight back???


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