Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Life In a Nutshell - Barenaked Ladies

As for life these days, I can't complain too much!

I'm at home for the first time in three years. I know I have been back many times, but its different this time. Every other time I have been home I haven't been the same person, I have always still been accustomed into Asian life and I was never able to reaccustum myslef to home. This time after a summer in Lake Louise I have finally reconditioned myself to Candian culture and life, and coming home now I have really been able to enjoy being here with my family and friends. Out on weekends, movies, parties, dinners, hockey, climbing wall, gym, and having my girlfriend here has been great, we still get along fantabulously, and haven't had to smother each other yet. So to sum it all up, life has been pretty good.

Well today someone posed a question to me. "If I could live anywhere right now, including Canada, where would I live?" Without even thinking, my answer was instantaneously Asia. I told myself that coming home this time I had to give myself proper time to reaccustom to Canadian life before making any big decisions about returning to live overseas. I think now I can say I have readjusted properly and still my answer was still Asia. So what is stopping me, I don't really know, could another move be on the horizon in the new year, Japan, China, Singapore, Laos...maybe yes maybe no. I guess we will have to stay tuned to find out.

Rodeo Crowns - Jack Johnson

I'm Back, you know it!!

Well what the hell happened to me? I was doing so well, updating at least twice a week and then BAM I dropped off the face of the planet. I would have been more diligent but I had an epiphany. One bored afternoon I found myself wandering the halls of a local shopping mall (a mall that is across the street from 1001 seniors homes, when I came around the corner to find a wrestling ring set up at the food court. What a combo I tell you Crantankerous 80 year olds with canes and walkers and oily nubile 20 year olds slamming and fondling each other. I must admit the oil and vinegar combo caught my eye for a few minutes, just long enough to see the day's main attraction make his way to the ring...Hulk Hollywood. Its True its True, a 40 year old guy was dressed, as best as he could to look like Hulk Hogan, unfortunately he didn't quite hit the mark and instead he looked more like a cross between a rodeo clown and a pug dog. Right there my epiphany hit; You know life could be much much worse. At least I'm not a guy pretending to be someone else "performing" to a crowd of senior citizens in a cafeteria.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Music Was Saved - Starsailor

Well today is my birthday, I would like to thank all of you for the well wishes that I have received today in my email inbox, a whopping total 2, now take away the two I sent myself so that I wouldn't feel bad, I guess the real total is none, zero, zilch.

So how do I know I am getting old? Well every time I go into a record store or look at the upcoming CD releases, I have to search and scour just to find one or two that I would even think about purchasing. Case in point I seached through the upcoming releases through December, there were exactly two mixed in with the endless "rap crap" and pop balladeer releases. One being by Starsailor, and to my surprise I discovered that The Philosopher Kings are coming out with a new CD in November, I guess cartoon pop/dance music and phony new solo monikers didn't work out in their favour. Anyways I will relish new music by one those great bands that go on "hiatus" for what 7 or 8 years. I guess this fall hasn't been too bad on me though I have been blessed by new great albums from Tracy Chapman, David Gray,The Cardigans and Ivy, and well a truly horrible new album by a re-worked Morcheeba.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk

So I had a beer with Mr. Morrow last Friday and he has agreed to help us out on our journey next year. I couldn't be more excited. To sit down with someone like this, talking to him about his favourite climb standing at the summit of Kilimanjaro, or fighting the ass numbing cold of Antarctica, is just another log on the fire (or log on the wood for some of my friends). Now I just have to start getting the fundraising efforts together, which brings me back to Saskatoon.

I'm back in town and you know I am quite excited to be back this time. Maybe its just me and having finally started to adjust back to Canadian culture, but I know I am glad to get out of Lake Louise its infinite supply of young punk 18 year olds running around. You know for a nice quiet tourist village, every morning I could walk to work and count up to 12 beer cans on the sides of the roads! Back to city to start real work on this project, be near my family, be near my friends, be near the girlfriend who is arriving here in one week to live with me. If you can't find me here in town, I will probably be at one of three places, the gym, hockey rink, or climbing gym training for next year; come and join me some time.

Music: The Cardigans: Just got their new album Super Extra Gravity, I think it is released next week. But their last two albums are also classics...very listen worty.

Slurpee: Oh back in town, I did my first walk down to the local Macs for a Dr. Pepper Slurpee.