Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Life In a Nutshell - Barenaked Ladies

As for life these days, I can't complain too much!

I'm at home for the first time in three years. I know I have been back many times, but its different this time. Every other time I have been home I haven't been the same person, I have always still been accustomed into Asian life and I was never able to reaccustum myslef to home. This time after a summer in Lake Louise I have finally reconditioned myself to Candian culture and life, and coming home now I have really been able to enjoy being here with my family and friends. Out on weekends, movies, parties, dinners, hockey, climbing wall, gym, and having my girlfriend here has been great, we still get along fantabulously, and haven't had to smother each other yet. So to sum it all up, life has been pretty good.

Well today someone posed a question to me. "If I could live anywhere right now, including Canada, where would I live?" Without even thinking, my answer was instantaneously Asia. I told myself that coming home this time I had to give myself proper time to reaccustom to Canadian life before making any big decisions about returning to live overseas. I think now I can say I have readjusted properly and still my answer was still Asia. So what is stopping me, I don't really know, could another move be on the horizon in the new year, Japan, China, Singapore, Laos...maybe yes maybe no. I guess we will have to stay tuned to find out.


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