Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Rodeo Crowns - Jack Johnson

I'm Back, you know it!!

Well what the hell happened to me? I was doing so well, updating at least twice a week and then BAM I dropped off the face of the planet. I would have been more diligent but I had an epiphany. One bored afternoon I found myself wandering the halls of a local shopping mall (a mall that is across the street from 1001 seniors homes, when I came around the corner to find a wrestling ring set up at the food court. What a combo I tell you Crantankerous 80 year olds with canes and walkers and oily nubile 20 year olds slamming and fondling each other. I must admit the oil and vinegar combo caught my eye for a few minutes, just long enough to see the day's main attraction make his way to the ring...Hulk Hollywood. Its True its True, a 40 year old guy was dressed, as best as he could to look like Hulk Hogan, unfortunately he didn't quite hit the mark and instead he looked more like a cross between a rodeo clown and a pug dog. Right there my epiphany hit; You know life could be much much worse. At least I'm not a guy pretending to be someone else "performing" to a crowd of senior citizens in a cafeteria.


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