Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ma' Africa - 1 Giant Leap

Long time no chat, ya I know I'm a douche for keeping everyone out of the loop.

Here is the last month in a nutshell. Work, Workout, Catching up on the beers with friends, a week of the flu, and ummm spending every other waking moment including many many sleepless nights dreaming about Africa. What Africa, where did this come from you ask? Where I am thinking of going to? The proper question is where I am not going to?

You may remember a time about a year ago, when I let you in on my masterplan life goal of wanting to bicycle around the entire world and climbing each of the Seven Summits. Well I think its about time to get moving on that plan, and contribute something back to the world at the same time. So here is the plan for leg one of the global tour...

The 2007 Tour d'Afrique: its a 12000km bicycle race from Cairo to Cape Town, through 10 countries in 120 days. And I'm doing the whole thing for Right to Play,
an athlete-driven international humanitarian organization that uses sport and play as a tool for the development of children and youth in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. Along the route I will stopping in to volunteer during rest days at Right to Play projects in Ethiopa and Zambia; and I will be filming my entire adventure for a documentary that I plan to bring back to screen in high schools here in Saskatoon, and hopefully furthur abroad as well. Only one drawback to my and lack of time, well I guess that's two drawbacks. I have managed to secure some signed merchandise from very famous athletes to auction off to raise funds and some media partners, but I still need a company(s) to come in and sponsor the the four month tour and the subsequent film. Soooo if anyone happens to work at some big company or happens to know anyone in a position of power, please help Right to Play and I out. If not I can always wait for the 2008 Tour d'Afrique. I can be reached at or (306) 931-1965 or visit my Right to Play webpage at:


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