Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Friends In Low Places - Garth Brooks

I've been struggling with what to write ever since I have been back in Canada, as everything here just seems like old hat to me, not that the hand has recovered from the spider bite. The skin has grown back, it's still rather pink and relatively new skin, not that strong like bull skin the surrounds the rest of the hand. So I think for now I am going to have to rely on news stories to poulate my blog. And god knows it won't be from N. American news sources as we all know there is nothing newsworthy coming from these places, just scare tactics.

'Paris Syndrome' leaves Japanese tourists ill

October 23, 2006 12:00am

Around a dozen Japanese tourists a year need psychological treatment after visiting Paris as the reality of unfriendly locals and scruffy streets clashes with their expectations, a newspaper has reported.

My take on Things: God, its good to know that its not just me that think the French can be just a bit off centre sometimes. I mean the most normal French person I have met so far in my life is the crazy haired, moustachioed French girl that followed me around at night in Guangzhou trying to bang me. And thanks to the work of some good friends when I was lacking judgement, unsucessfully I might add.

Moral of the story: Thank god for friends!


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