Thursday, October 05, 2006

Spiders - Moby

For those of you that don't know already I came home to Canada on Friday night after a 32 hour journey that took me from Singapore through Tokyo and Minneapolis on route to Saskatoon. As if the flight home wasn't enough to kill anyone else I also had something else to deal with...a poisonous spider bite on my hand. And I'm not joking!!

In Singapore, late the night before my 6am flight I went into the storage room to grab a box, when I picked the thing up I remember feeling what I thought was just a pinch, and I never really thought anything of it again. About the same time I got onto my flight to Tokyo my hand started itching, by the end of the flight I couldn't stop scratching. From Tokyo to Minnesota my hand started to itch and burn, and when I arrived it was swollen and leaking liquid out. At the airport I got it wrapped in gauze and bandages.

I arrived home in Saskatoon to find all my friends and parents waiting for me at the airport ready to celebrate, as was I. I figured my hand had waited that long already it could wait a few more hours to the morning to get it checked out. So we made a stop at home so I could get more clothes (32C in Singapore when I left, 8C in Sasktaoon), when we were there we decided to change the bandage to something smaller and not so ugly. Only when I took off the bandage I found a wound the half the size of my entire palm, swollen and completely green and oozing out pus.

To the hospital I went, and just in time cuz it wasn't long after that the cold shakes and sweating fevers began. I made it just in time. I never did see the thing, but there are two definite bite marks about 7 or 8 mm apart on the side of my hand, and the venom sure did a number on a man of my size. In the hospital I'm known as the Spider Man as they have never seen anything like it before due to the lack of poisonous spiders in Saskatchewan. I just finished my treatment of IV medications after 5 days and I seem to be on the mend, my hand has been left a little worse for the wear as you can see for yourself.

I wanted adventure, I got it!!


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