Thursday, October 05, 2006

Paranoid Android - Radiohead

The CIA ain’t got nothing on me! $25 Million Dollar reward, and its all mine baby! I found Osama Bin Laden!!

He wasn’t in no backwater remote hut in the Afghanistan mountains or in an underground cave, you know where I found him? In the freaking Singapore Airport at 4am. Stumbling around the airport in a sleep depraved state four hours before my flight departure to Japan, in a nearly empty wing of the airport, jolting me out of my slumber were two men who could have filled in for any of Osama’s Taliban warriors. These guys were sporting full length beards, turbans, sachees, and forgive my ignorance, their ass kicking pajamas. And as the instant suspicions and fears raced through me, I thought to myself what a good job the media has done in scaring us, and turning us all into bigots. Here are two guys just sitting on an airport bench minding their own business and all I had were immediate thoughts of suspicious packages, and bombs.

Tip of the Day: Turn off your mainstream media news for the day and get some real news at


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