Thursday, October 05, 2006

Revealed - Blank & Jones w/ Mike Francis

The toilets here in Japan are how do I say...high tech. Not only do the lids lift up and down on their own from a sensor, some also have tvs in the bathroom as well. This pirticular one had some buttons on the wall. So as I sit there doing my business I curiously looked to see one of the buttons had a very slavic drawing of a pair of boobs with a fountain shooting up. So naturally this picqued my curiosity and I pressed it...only to here this whirring sound of a motor. But just as I thought that whatever it was was broke, a pistol shot of water raced out of the bowl and up my glory hole lifting me off the bowl. And it wasn't just a soft flow of water washing that oh so sensitive area, this was a full on chip paint off the wall power wash!!! After I had the cleanest bum hole ever but for some reason I couldn't help but feel violated!!!!!!!!!! Now I know for future reference that its not boobs and fountain, its bum and fountain.


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