Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Good Times Are Killing Me - Modest Mouse

I'm trying to write on here more often...I really am...I swear.

Its just that nothing out of the ordinary seems to happen these days, I haven't been watching any movies at all lately (could have to do with the fact they all seem to be atrocious these days), and it's way to freaking cold to even dream about drinking a slurpee. Oh and there hasen't been a good CD released in ages, even the long awaited sophmoric albums (Killers and Jet) were bombs. Everyday I search for something good to download and come up with nothing, nothing at all. The pillars of my blog when I started it...adventure, movies, music and slurpees. Sadly I don't seem to have any of that these days.

I tell you I am really in need of shenanigans...real shenanigans. Like a ski weekend with people beer bonging at 3am and calling hotel staff to unclog underwear filled toilets at 4am. A weekend say where I throw a really drunk Chinese man head first into a pillar for kicking me in the nuts, a weekend filled with a bunch of naked strangers running around a beach in Malaysia, or how about an alchohol induced all night game of I Never under the stars and fluorescant seas of Belize. Ohhh god, New Years can't come soon enough, and then after that Africa I hope. As a warm weather person, the incessant cold and snow is really starting to get to me.


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