Monday, January 08, 2007

Little by Little - Groove Armada

Happy Holidays and all Jazz!!

So I guess its time for the year end round up for the year ending 2006.

Jan 01 - I have had some good NYE parties, but this was one of the best, a small group of friends plus the parents and sister, steamrollers were found later in the evening plus the fireworks earlier, thought a good year was upon me.

Jan - Went to China for the year, everything went shitty right after this, including the large amount of money stolen the first night in Hong Kong.

Feb - Was sick for almost the entire month, including mild pneumonia, which is unheard of in China.

Mar - Kieko came to visit. Along with Simon and his wife, we all got attacked with bats and bottles outside of a bar late at night. Simon ended up with stitches in the hospital. Keiko and I went to Thailand, and almsot bought a hotel in Phuket.

April - May - The Thailand hotel deal fell apart at the last minute as I was just about to get on a plane to finalize the deal. Keiko and I ended up breaking up not long after this. Not long after I met Jen in China, great girl, so much fun, plahying frisbee, helping me forget about many other worries. Simon's bitch of a wife decided not come home one night and divorced my brother. She rigged the night to come home, the one night him and I decided to go out together to see Peter Hook (of New Order) DJ in Guangzhou. Spent the rest of the month drinking to get my bro throught the month of divorce.

June - Spent Drying out from the booze, until the World Cup started at least.

July - Off to Singapore, had a job teaching and a part time job with a TV company in my first week there. And an interview with ESPN by the end of the month/ Keiko came to visit in singapore.

Aug - Kept working with the TV company, and teaching.

Sept - All of sudden paradise began to turn to hell, the teachign job couldn't get me a visa and the tv job didn't have work to offer me a full time visa. I had to evacuate. I pre-empted my return home by visiting to Japan and loved it. A great country with fantastic people I can't wait to go back.

Oct - Returned home to Canada at the start of the month, not before getting bit by a tarantula the night before I got on the plane. By the time I arrive home, my hand was green. And two hours after arriving at the hospital in Canada I started going into the hot and cold sweats. Halloween was fun!

Nov/Dec - What can I say? Lots of watching hockey on tv and drinking beer, and eating chicken wings!!

So there we are, the year in review, I can say it was quite the year, that included 10 countries in 12 months. A year of mostly really crappy happening and I can't wait to get onto 2007. I hope all of you had a great Christmas and New Year. I rang in the New Year with a killer flu. It was the perfect was to finish 2006. And with that I am off, with my fingers crossed, that little by little my karma will take a turn for the better.


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