Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Rave On - John "Cougar" Mellancamp

I think we have all come to the conclusion that I do my best writing when I'm pissed about something, so here we go. Try this one on.

Ever notice that its the poor that keep on giving, if they have the money or not, whether it be the local charity or the local slot machine. So I work at this national chain store right now in Canada, and seeing as it was Christmas time they decided to throw us a Christmas party for all of our hours of dedicated work in an understaffed environment during the seasonal rush. Thinking I was in for a night of communal team building fun I signed up for the not quite festive shenanigans. On the day of the party I was informed I had to pick up a ticket. When I went to pick it up I was informed I had to pay $10 for my ticket to cover costs of the dinner, and that drink tickets were to be purchased ahead of time.

What the hell kind of company is this. A national chain, that can't go out of pocket for one night of fun for their over worked employees running their asses off for minimal wages. What the hell kind of Christmas party was this. I snapped, I balked, I walked out. I had more fun at the gym with my Ipod sitting on the bike for three hours; at least I could listen to the music I wanted this way. The thing that made the whole thing more insulting was that they already take off $4/cheque for social commitee dues ($100/year), and I still have to pay for everything at my own friggen Xmas Party. Hell I could have bought a year's subscription to Playboy for less than that and got more satisfaction out of the deal than my commitee dues. I think that's what I will do. Screw you Company X (I don't like to name names)...London Drugs, I'm investing my time and money in soft core porn.

You ever notice you don't see commercials about London Drugs employees raving that they are not only employees but also owners? No I didn't think so.

P.S. Who the hell gives themselves the nickname "Cougar" Screw you Mellencamp.


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