Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Rush of Blood to the Head (Coldplay)

Well another week done, and another one about to begin, I am really digging this 4 days on, 3 days off work week!! Day off #1, summited another peak, Day #2 40km bike ride, 25km uphill, and 15 downhill trailride, through creeks, mud, and rock at an altitude of 2300 meters.

Who hear wakes themselves up in the middle of the night singing songs in their head? Twice this week I have awoken in the middle in a fenzied ruch with songs playing over and over in my head. Its like a sugar rush almost, imagine eating 2 chocolate bars and downing a slurpee, and that's kind of what its like. Wide awake and ready to rock at 3am. Is it just something that is wrong with me or is it a testament to how good the song is? Last night it was the Hot Hot Heat and their song Bandages. Earlier in the week it was The Boy WithThe Arab Strap by Belle and Sebastian. Any thoughts on the situation?

Slurpee of the Day: Dont know yet, I'm on my way to get one, I'll decide there.

Song of the Day: I think I have already told you enough, if you don't remember already you deserve to be covered in curry and left at the side of the road to be picked over by the birds and jaguars with big teeth!



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