Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Memories - Bass is Base

Everyone knows my passion for music. I think once I even called it the greatest invention in the world, and I'm not overestimating!

The best things about it I find is one, it's ability to change your mood instantly. Too mellow, put on some Poison. Feeling pissed off and angry put on some Groove Armada. Like today, I was steaming at work, an all day piss off (ask me about the story later if you want), and all it took was a step outside and a little Jack Johnson, and immediately chilled out. And two, how a given song can instantly trigger memories from your past, both good and bad, but mainly the good! So today I thought I would relay some of those songs to you and what they mean to me.

Air - Moon Safari (album) Sitting in a small bar in Yangshuo, China, with Reid, Felicity, Stephanie. We took over the whole place that night, listening to that album repeatedly throughout the night, and being our own bartenders mixing white russians all night long.

Paul Simon - The Obvious Child Secluded in Butt F#$K, China for 4 months, with no phone, mail or internet, a bottle (or two) of red wine, passing time by cooking and getting drunk dancing around the kitchen by myself all night. It was like a ritual, spaghetti, red wine, booze and Paul. It made the name pass

Coldplay - The Scientist Laying on the most amazing beach ever off the Northeast coast of Malaysia, sun setting with the song on repeat after spending an incredible day island hopping and snorkelling with a bunch of really cool new friends. Chilling on the beach with the most perfect soundtrack eminating through the headphones.

Don't Walk Away Eileen - Sam Roberts Drunk, really drunk, at 3am in Jeff's cabin near Moose Jaw, singing our hearts out with the likes of the Saturday Night Live Really Bad Christmas Carolers, singing like we were onstage in front of 10,000 people, but really we only could sing 5 words of the chorus, the rest of the song we didn't know the words.

So that's it for now, but you can bet your ass there will be more. Oh yes, there will be more! P.S Who is that guy!!


At 9:07 AM, Blogger SCRUM SPORTS said...

Good Times, Good Times!

All you guys listen up, Dan is the man! I remember this night vividly, you're a trooper dude...Puke and Rally!!!


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