Thursday, February 15, 2007

Whatever Happened to Corey Haim - The Thrills

I seem to remember something a long time ago where I said something to the liking of "I will update this thing every a couple of times a week" and "I am going to always list my current listening tunes, watchable movies, and slurpees drank". Well it seems that I haven't really been listening to music, watching movies or drinking slurpees lately. And it is no coincidence that as I have returned to these most glorious of hobbies, that the blogs make a unspectacular return also.

Also, I think there is a direct correspondance with my really shitty year in 2006 and the utter kife that was the year in entertainment. Movies, don't even get me started...scant few managed to even begin to counter-balance the piles of retard sandwiches that were out there. But the worst was the music. After a freaking halo beam of a year in 2005 that was one of the best in years, the music gods opened the gates and let Hades inducing vectors soar freely.

So this week, we can contribute my return to the like of Air and Bloc Party, returning to bring good music back into our collective consciesnous. Along with films like Little Miss Sunshine (watched it 2 times back to back) and Pursuit of Happyness, and that oh sooo refreshing Coke slurpee ( you never go out of style, no matter how cold it is outside).

So as you digest your morning coffee, why don't you take an extra minute and check out the newest member to the blogosphere.

Stay Tuned for more updates on my adventures...


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