Saturday, July 16, 2005

All Awake (I Mother Earth)

I'm BACK! Dont you know it!

Well Its been a while, the blog's should come fast and furious now. I returned from Jeff's wedding in Saskatoon a week ago, after having a great weekend that was topped off with two phenomenal friends of mine getting hitched up. I couldn't have done better myslef in matching that pair. All the best to you Shauna and Jeff!!

One week later, I have my computer out here, and I just had high speed internet hooked up Thursday night...then I promptly crashed my computer with viruses one hour later. Now two days later I have finally got rid of all the worm viruses and spyware, to make my machine workable again. Well it really didn't take that long to fix it cuz in between I went for a short hike with lunch and a book up a mountain. Then this morning I was up bright and early to meet Alex for my first white water rafting trip. Another adventure crossed off the list and all I have to say is that "I gots to get me some more of that"! Grand Canyon here I come...someday!

One other glitch, hotmail is not letting me open any of my emails, so you can send me emails at my new addy:

Now onto bigger and better things...MUSIC. Today's choice is hands down The Arcade Fire and the song to listen to is Rebellion, which I think has the single best use of a piano EVER in a song. WARNING: Repeating this song late at night when drunk in bed will cause you to lie awake all night with visions in your head of little trains and olympic sprinters running in circles towards their journey's end, only their is no finish until you shut the music off or fall asleep. On a side note I haven't been sleeping well lately, but that's another story.


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