Sunday, July 24, 2005

Heroes (David Bowie, I like the Oasis cover better)

Away from usual jibberish that I usually waste my time plastering this page with, this time I really have something to talk about. I'm going to devote this page to two Great American Heroes, people that would make me proud to be American!

First off, one you all know and love, Lance Armstrong. Congratulations man, you just pulled off what I think is the single greatest sporting accomplishment PERIOD! I don't see how anyone could argue the fact, but feel free, send your comments if you like. That's how you debate! Surviving testicular, brain, and lung cancer...I mean really, this guy should have been dead, he has just been crowned champion of one of the most gruelling races on the planet for a record 7th straight year!!! Plus he is dating Sheryl Crow, grrrrr. And to top that all off, he is going out at the top and retiring at the top of his game. I think that when the day comes his tombstone only need say one thing...CHAMPION.

The next is a guy that most of you don't have the pleasure of knowing, and those of you who do know him, know how lucky you are. He's a friend of mine from film school, Dan Duffy. This is a guy that will go out of his way, no matter how much of his time it wastes, or how much money out of his pocket it costs, to help a friend in need. Truly one of, the nicest, humble, giving friends I have ever had in my life. Now a few years back Dan went though the some tribulations like our friend Lance did. And like Lance he kick, clawed and bitch slapped cancer back into the nether regions, able to call himself a survivor, I call him a CHAMPION. Since then he has gotten married, a wedding I missed as I was in China and one I truly regret not being there, but one of the casualties in the war he won, was his ability to naturally conceive he thought. I have just heard from Dan, and his wife is eight weeks pregnant. Congratulations my brother, you deserve everything plus one more!



At 9:19 AM, Blogger SCRUM SPORTS said...

Everything and more, plus a good fresh jelly donut!


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