Thursday, July 21, 2005

Summertime (Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff)

Day 3...Day 3 of Sunshine that is!!!
Finally on July 19th of this year, summer seemed to take hold, days of sunshine with no rain clouds lingering overhead turning the vuluptuous mountains into flat prairie.

Yesterday was my favourite day yet in Lake Louise! I don't know how a day that started with me going to work turned into such a great day but it did. First off the bosses decided that it was climbing day at the store. They brought in a guy to go over rock climbing gear with us. Then cuz it was such a nice day out they actually decided to go climbing around the back of the lake. I somehow managed to finagle my way out of the store to go climbing. So approximately one hour later I found myself 50 meters up a sheer rock face (rated a 5.9 climb) overlooking the fluorescant Lake Louise framed with the Chateau Lake Louise and the ski hill in the background. The only thing that sucked was that I didn't have my camera with me that day as I thought I would be stuck at work all day! Adventure...Rock Climbing...check. And yes I will definitely be doing more of that.

Following that I had to go back to work for a few hours and then proceeded to a staff party for pizza and beer, which of course went on into the early hours. Normally I think that would be the end of the story, but not this night, oh no...not this night. Walking home was another experience unto itself. You see the moon is almost full, tonight I believe it is, and on a cloudless night, the near full moon, illuminates the whole sky. 1am and the Rocky Mountains are sillohetted with the midnight blue sky in the south sky, looking over at the north sky what do I find but green northern lights erupting out of the mountain peaks...Absolutely Mesmerizing!!!

Slurpee: Coke wasn't working today, and the Strawberry Banana substitute I bought is making me feel kind of sick right now, it was good for the first half though. 2 out of 5 stars.

Song of the Day: Adam Freeland's mix of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Kick Ass!! Thanks Steve for that one.

By the way I put a counter on the blog so I can see how many of you are actually reading this thing. Its been up for one day and there are 11 hits so far, and that was after I sent out my last email reminding people of updates.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger SCRUM SPORTS said...

Glad you like the pic, but I was the one taking the picture so I'm not in the actual picture...How are those eyes treating you these days, you getting along. haha That one is retaliation for the Canada crack on your blog. lol


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