Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Hockey Song - Stompin Tom

The life of a working man.

I'm turning into a work-a-holic again. This week I put in 50 hours at the store, but I have still mananged to keep up my training to keep me sane. I start my day off with a 7km run every morning, I've got my time down to 32 minutes. The funny thing is that I go into work happier and in a much better mood after sweating out a liter of fluid than I do if I don't excercise, and I still have to stand on my feet at work for 10 hours that day. Than to top that all off, I have really begun to put in the hours at night producing my TV show, but you know what? Who Cares! I enjoy it, and knowing that I get to go back to SE Asia in October to film the show, that's what drives me...and looking good for all the hot ladies! Hey ladies...looking good!

But in order to look good for the ladies that means I have to do my exercise...and stop drinking the slurpees. So yesterday I decided to take out a road bike (bicycle not motorcycle, damn you Jesse James and Discovery Channel) and go for a ride. I haven't really cycled on a road bike in, well ever, so you might be expecting a road rash story but you are out of luck. I rode down the Bow Valley Parkway, from Lake Louise to Castle Mountain. The scenery was amazome, riding along ridges with the valley floor and river a couple of hundred meters below, I did the 60km roundtrip route in two hours with stops. Only problem is the long continuous uphills and my penchant for given'er...I am a still a little tired today even after eating my vitamins and saying my prayers, that Hulk Hogan is full of shit man.

Slurpee of the Day: Don't you listen, I must give up the syrupy goodness!

Music: I've talked about them before but The Arcade Fire...They're that damn good, I heard about them over a year ago and never bothered to listen. How did I drop the ball so bad on that one. For any of you into the beats the song to get is So Many Times by Gadjo, its sure to get your night rollin'!

Movies: With nothing on the plate today, Imagine my surprise today when I logged onto the internet to find the NHL Draft live, god bless hockey!!

Vive Le Canucks!!!

P.S. I made it approximately two hours before I broke down and got a slurpee, a coke one.


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