Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Much To Young (To Feel This Damn Old) - Garth Brooks

I have officially become old!!!

Today I went in to buy some beer after work and I was asked for ID. It was the first time I have been carded in ages. And this is me, I was "purchasing" when I was 17 without problem. My natural reaction, from my younger days, was to immediately slam that card down on the counter "Take that bitch, I'm legal!" Then, braces beaming, the 18 year old asks me how old I am, I am forced to reveal my youngish age of 25, this is where I got annoyed.

As I walked out of the store, with beer in hand of course, I calmed myself by thinking to myself, "Wow, I must be doing good to still be getting carded at 25". Then immediately after I had to scold myslef, "Shit, if I'm actually thinking like that I must be old." Then I got annoyed again!!!


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