Thursday, July 06, 2006

Euro Visions - Hooverphonic

Man! What a difference watching the World Cup in a country that cares about football makes!!

It has been insane over here in Asia, you know it really is a month long party when you get outside of North America. China and now Singapore too, with the games being on so late (2-3am) every night has been a party, with people sleeping after work and then waking up for the game, and then drinking red bull and vodkas to keep themselves awake all night. McDonalds over here have installed big screen tv's in all their restaurants and stayed open 24 hours to keep people in the place all night. The other night Italy and Germany were playing Simon and I decided to hit the downtown streets of Singapore for the game. We left the house at midnight and caught the last train to downtown, you would not believe the atmosphere!! We spent the entire night wandering up and down Orchard Rd, going from one 7-11 to the next for drinks and then one cafe or bar to the next for game watching. Throngs of people crowded around any TV they could find. Hotel lobbies, restaurants, McD's, it was electric, a bunch of strangers all partying together on the sidewalks!! 5 hours later and about 15 7-11 stops later we found our way home finally in a taxi, good times good times!! Oh and did I mention we found a pub that was selling Moosehead Beer, two for $12SG, good deal here. Ahh Singapore how I love thee...


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