Monday, August 28, 2006

Infinity Machine - I Mother Earth

Who would have thought music players would ever become a social class distinguisher??

Today I was standing on the morning rush hour MRT train into downtown. Minding my own business listening to music on my trusty Ipod I happened to notice a kind of shady looking man listening to his tunes as well. One difference though, as I first got a look at him, he reached to his back hip and whipped out this black device the size of his hand. It was a freakin' cassette tape walkman that was clipped to his belt. Has anyone seen any of these things in use in the last ohhh 8 years? I sure haven't. I watched as he flipped the tape over and then spent two minutes rewinding and fast forwarding the tape trying to find the start of the desired song. I couldn't help myslef, I had to laugh, inside of course, when I looked at him and then thought back to when I got my first walkman. I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I do know that the tape I got with it was Corey Hart - I Wear My Sunglasses at Night.

Then a different feeling came over me as I watched this guy in his not quite white shirt, black tie, and scuffy black boots fumble with the archaeic device. I felt sorry for the guy, I wanted to give the guy money or do something to help him out. I mean living in a city where the mp3 player is almost obsolete because of all the brand new mobile phones here, he had to be an illegal worker here making a few hundred bucks a month. I mean really, carrying around a walkman that is 4 or 5 generations past due. Just think in 15 years we have gone from tape to the CD walkman, to mini disc, and mp3 players, now we're using mp4 and mobile phone technology.

So what did I learn today, well I ever take to panhandling in the streets I am going to make sure I am seen listening to my Corey Hart tape on cassette tape walkman...with FM radio function!


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