Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Where Have All The Good People Gone - Sam Roberts

Will someone PLEASE take away "final cut" from the Hollywood Directors!!!

As the directors in Hollywood continually get more and more power, as every McG and Brett Ratner thinks they are the new Spielberg, the movies are getting longer and longer and worse and worse. Case in point, the two movies I have seen here in Singapore, have both been upwards of thirty minutes too long. Superman and Pirates 2, both are just lagging and boring in the middle as the director refuses to edit out mundane character devlopments that are intricate plot details. In both movies, I have actually gotten up to goto the get a drink (something I would never have done previously). Especially in Pirates case, when there is another sequel coming right away. Do we really need a 4.5 hour sequel to a pirate story??

Where have all good editors gone???


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