Thursday, August 10, 2006

Marqee and the Moon - Sloan

Billy Bob strikes again!!!

As the years have gone by and the films are rolled out there, I have always looked forward to a good Billy Bob Thorton movie, and the guy keeps defying all pre-dispositions by picking some real head scratching roles. And even in the flicks where he is just inserting his face for a paycheck and the marquee name he still comes out looking golden. Why? Because he surrounds himself with talent!

Friday Night Lights...all Ihave to say is that it is the Best Damn Sports Movie EVER!!! The story is tight, top notch directing (from Peter Berg of Very Bad Things fame), impeccable acting with BBT and Tim McGraw as a drunken redneck dad, and the greatest movie score ever!!! The music is absolutely perfect in both its timing and mood. As soon as I finished watching this movie the first time the first thing I did is get the soundtrack to it, done by a Texas band, Explosions in the Sky. You notice I said the first time, as I immediately watched it a second time the next night, that was about two months ago. Last night I watched for a third time and guess what? I think I am going to watch it again today.

So there you have it, my movie and music picks of the day, Friday Night Lights the movie and the soundtrack. Now go get yourself some popcorn and a "litre-a-cola" 5 purple power rangers to anyone who can tell me what movie "litre-a-cola" comes from??


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