Friday, August 18, 2006

Super Sugar Supreme - The Philosopher Kings

Last week in my early morning, post wake up urination, I found myself sitting at my computer staring at my empty mail inbox chomping away on some sugar fused chocolate breakfast cereal. Now I say chomping because the bite size ceral balls kept their original crispiness even after ten minutes in the milk. Why was I eating said chococalte flavoured styrofoam? Cuz it was on sale 2 for 1.

This week I was back to Corn Flakes which is bearable with cut up banana in it, and not so sugar filled either. I poured the milk in and every single last flake in the bowl was as soggy as George Bush's brain when he looks at the word 'intuitous', within sixty seconds. Now why if they can make the kids choco puffs crunch, can't they make the corn flakes "strong like bull"? Where is Clarke Griswold and his cereal varnish when you need him??

Music of the Week: The new Phoenix album, Its Never Been Like That. A very worth follow up to the classic United album, from this French electro-pop group. Probably never heard of the band, but they had a few songs off the last album in several high profile movies, like Shallow Hal and Lost in Translation. Its an album that right away I knew it was going to get better with repeated listens, and it hasn't dissapointed. Listen to the last song, 'Sometimes in the Fall'.


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