Friday, July 21, 2006

Tears From the Compound Eye - Boards of Canada

Last night I was walking down a street on my way to meet some friends at an MRT station, listening my music and not really paying attention as to where I was, I came around the corner only to be stopped dead in tracks. All I could do was stand there and was the exact spot that my bike was stolen some 17 months ago on my first visit to Singapore. Oh glorious bike how I loved thee. I observed a moment of silence and felt a shimmer in my eye...tear. And then just like that I moved on, found a road side food stand near the MRT, grabbed a beer and sat down reading my new book while waiting for my friends.

Book of the Day - The Happy Isles of Oceania by Paul Theroux


At 8:40 AM, Blogger SCRUM SPORTS said...

Yup, still in Singapore, gonna be here for a while. You still in NYC?


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