Monday, July 24, 2006

Flying High - Jem

Best weekend EVER!!

Picking up where the bicycle memorial left off I spent my Saturday lazily sitting around the swimming pool in the resort I call home. Went out in the
afternoon with my book, a jug of water, a bag or doritos, and spent the afternoon reading poolside in the sun, alternating dips in the pool with tanning. Not to be outdone by the day the night was just as good, as we used the poolside BBQ pit to hold an all night BBQ. Sat outside till 2am munching on kebabs and sipping Tiger beers.

Making up for the laziness of Saturday I spent the entire day Sunday sweating, as I headed out for one of the local Hash House Harrier runs. As I walked up I got a few curious looks as it took a few seconds before they all realized that I was one half of the crazy duo that showed up last year and did the hour long runs in flip flops or barefooted. And then to top that off we took off on bicycles and rode to Thailand. I was welcomed back in typical HHH style by having to punitively down beers in the circle, after having just finished a 90 minute 13km run.

So as I said before, best weekend ever, and I aim to keep up this kind of living.

Music of the Day: U.N.K.L.E - Never Never Land, a few years old but always some new grooves in this spaced out trip hop record. Best when listened to while biking or walking in the sunshine.

Tip of the Day - Try to avoid purchasing pants that employ the velcro system over the traditional zipper of buttonfly systems, it only invites embarrasement.

Question of the Day - How do you know you're happy? When you take to going on midnight runs for the fun of it.


At 9:58 PM, Blogger zhsy00001 said...

You have got to be kidding me. That does sound like the best weekend ever. All I did was mow the grass.


At 8:41 AM, Blogger SCRUM SPORTS said...

Ahh fresh cut grass, the smell, one of the most things over here in Asia.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger SCRUM SPORTS said...

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