Thursday, August 31, 2006

Out of Control - Chemical Brothers

I love the Chinese, cuz they're so predictable.

Every single time I am using a treadmill in a gym and a Chinese person gets on the machine next to me...anihilation! Cuz no matter who it is and what country it is, the person from China is going to do the exact same thing every time. I will explain.

First they get on the treadmill and languishly look like they are doing torso twists and half-assed arm stretches while their eyes are conveniently transfixed on my treadmill. Making no effort to hide their dastardly attempt to one up me, they stare at you while they up their incline and target time to match yours, and then the "face gainer". This is when they up their speed to match yours exactly and then add one more. This is usually followed by a loud cough or some animated gesture to make sure you notice that they are now going faster than me. Never mind the fact that I have already been running for 30 minutes.

This is where the smile comes on my face, as I know the outcome already. They are going to run fine for 5 minutes as they keep staring in my direction so that I notice them. Ten minutes in, the dripping sweat and laboured breathing starts. 15 minutes in, as their irregular strides start pounding the belt as they begin to trip over their own feet, they realize they can't keep up. But with their pride still in check they will only go as low as my current speed hoping to pound it out. It never works, cuz within 2 minutes, grasping the handle bars they are scrambling to turn the speed down to a walking pace.

This is the fun part! Not content to just let them lose, I drop the hammer! 45 minutes in I up the speed which is usually followed by a loud cough or animated gesture to make they sure know not only did they just lose ,they couldn't even step up to the plate. Unable to deal with their utter loss of "face", they are then left to hang their head in shame and leave the gym with their tail between their legs. Meanwhile I turn on a Chemical Brothers song and let the music pound my feet. Same thing happens every single day.

So what is the moral of the story: Yah I'm competitive.


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