Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Hockey Song - Stompin Tom

The life of a working man.

I'm turning into a work-a-holic again. This week I put in 50 hours at the store, but I have still mananged to keep up my training to keep me sane. I start my day off with a 7km run every morning, I've got my time down to 32 minutes. The funny thing is that I go into work happier and in a much better mood after sweating out a liter of fluid than I do if I don't excercise, and I still have to stand on my feet at work for 10 hours that day. Than to top that all off, I have really begun to put in the hours at night producing my TV show, but you know what? Who Cares! I enjoy it, and knowing that I get to go back to SE Asia in October to film the show, that's what drives me...and looking good for all the hot ladies! Hey ladies...looking good!

But in order to look good for the ladies that means I have to do my exercise...and stop drinking the slurpees. So yesterday I decided to take out a road bike (bicycle not motorcycle, damn you Jesse James and Discovery Channel) and go for a ride. I haven't really cycled on a road bike in, well ever, so you might be expecting a road rash story but you are out of luck. I rode down the Bow Valley Parkway, from Lake Louise to Castle Mountain. The scenery was amazome, riding along ridges with the valley floor and river a couple of hundred meters below, I did the 60km roundtrip route in two hours with stops. Only problem is the long continuous uphills and my penchant for given'er...I am a still a little tired today even after eating my vitamins and saying my prayers, that Hulk Hogan is full of shit man.

Slurpee of the Day: Don't you listen, I must give up the syrupy goodness!

Music: I've talked about them before but The Arcade Fire...They're that damn good, I heard about them over a year ago and never bothered to listen. How did I drop the ball so bad on that one. For any of you into the beats the song to get is So Many Times by Gadjo, its sure to get your night rollin'!

Movies: With nothing on the plate today, Imagine my surprise today when I logged onto the internet to find the NHL Draft live, god bless hockey!!

Vive Le Canucks!!!

P.S. I made it approximately two hours before I broke down and got a slurpee, a coke one.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Heroes (David Bowie, I like the Oasis cover better)

Away from usual jibberish that I usually waste my time plastering this page with, this time I really have something to talk about. I'm going to devote this page to two Great American Heroes, people that would make me proud to be American!

First off, one you all know and love, Lance Armstrong. Congratulations man, you just pulled off what I think is the single greatest sporting accomplishment PERIOD! I don't see how anyone could argue the fact, but feel free, send your comments if you like. That's how you debate! Surviving testicular, brain, and lung cancer...I mean really, this guy should have been dead, he has just been crowned champion of one of the most gruelling races on the planet for a record 7th straight year!!! Plus he is dating Sheryl Crow, grrrrr. And to top that all off, he is going out at the top and retiring at the top of his game. I think that when the day comes his tombstone only need say one thing...CHAMPION.

The next is a guy that most of you don't have the pleasure of knowing, and those of you who do know him, know how lucky you are. He's a friend of mine from film school, Dan Duffy. This is a guy that will go out of his way, no matter how much of his time it wastes, or how much money out of his pocket it costs, to help a friend in need. Truly one of, the nicest, humble, giving friends I have ever had in my life. Now a few years back Dan went though the some tribulations like our friend Lance did. And like Lance he kick, clawed and bitch slapped cancer back into the nether regions, able to call himself a survivor, I call him a CHAMPION. Since then he has gotten married, a wedding I missed as I was in China and one I truly regret not being there, but one of the casualties in the war he won, was his ability to naturally conceive he thought. I have just heard from Dan, and his wife is eight weeks pregnant. Congratulations my brother, you deserve everything plus one more!


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Summertime (Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff)

Day 3...Day 3 of Sunshine that is!!!
Finally on July 19th of this year, summer seemed to take hold, days of sunshine with no rain clouds lingering overhead turning the vuluptuous mountains into flat prairie.

Yesterday was my favourite day yet in Lake Louise! I don't know how a day that started with me going to work turned into such a great day but it did. First off the bosses decided that it was climbing day at the store. They brought in a guy to go over rock climbing gear with us. Then cuz it was such a nice day out they actually decided to go climbing around the back of the lake. I somehow managed to finagle my way out of the store to go climbing. So approximately one hour later I found myself 50 meters up a sheer rock face (rated a 5.9 climb) overlooking the fluorescant Lake Louise framed with the Chateau Lake Louise and the ski hill in the background. The only thing that sucked was that I didn't have my camera with me that day as I thought I would be stuck at work all day! Adventure...Rock Climbing...check. And yes I will definitely be doing more of that.

Following that I had to go back to work for a few hours and then proceeded to a staff party for pizza and beer, which of course went on into the early hours. Normally I think that would be the end of the story, but not this night, oh no...not this night. Walking home was another experience unto itself. You see the moon is almost full, tonight I believe it is, and on a cloudless night, the near full moon, illuminates the whole sky. 1am and the Rocky Mountains are sillohetted with the midnight blue sky in the south sky, looking over at the north sky what do I find but green northern lights erupting out of the mountain peaks...Absolutely Mesmerizing!!!

Slurpee: Coke wasn't working today, and the Strawberry Banana substitute I bought is making me feel kind of sick right now, it was good for the first half though. 2 out of 5 stars.

Song of the Day: Adam Freeland's mix of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Kick Ass!! Thanks Steve for that one.

By the way I put a counter on the blog so I can see how many of you are actually reading this thing. Its been up for one day and there are 11 hits so far, and that was after I sent out my last email reminding people of updates.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I Love The Rainy Nights (Eddie Rabbit)

Well it was too good to last, we made it approximately 36 hours here without rain!

Yesterday was gorgeous here, mid twenties and clear skies, by far the warmest day of the summer, and we woke up to another day of blue skies again. Every local here in LL, were all in great moods today as we rejoiced, dancing Irish jigs and caroused in groups of four plus one. But our meeriment quickly turned dispair this evening as the rain came pouring down in Thunderstorms. At least it was a tunderstorm instead of that pissy drizzle that we have become accustomed to here. Unfortunately for me I left my raincoat at home today...I know I jinxed it!

Music: I spoke of The Arcade Fire, get another tune Neighbourhood #1, and Neighbourhood #3 it rocks as well!

Slurpee: Today Dave (workmate) and I indulged in the bladderbusters, 1.3L of Coke Slurpee. It busted my bladder two times at work.

Movie: I watched an awesome flick last night, its an ensemble film with Don Cheadle and Sandra Bulluck in it called Crash. A very realistic yet ironic look at racism in LA. I dont think its out on video yet so you'll have to wait or download it like I did.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hot Legs (Rod Stewart)

I just received this pic today from some friends that I met in Thailand. Look at me (on the left) showing that leg, now thats HOT I tell ya! So hot in fact that I'm making everyone emit a red glow. Good on me! You may be thinking that everyone else had the good sense to cross their legs, well not me, I planned it that way. I wanted the little entrail of boxer short to show, Yah Good times in Thailand!

I want a doughnut.

Breathe (Telepopmusik)

I never touched on this before as I was away from the net for a while. My just wanted to make a point about the London bombings and offer my condolences to all of my London friends and their families. I hope you are all reading this with an appropriate beverage in hand enjoying life. Another in this years long list of tragedies, if there is anything that we should all take out of these horrific events, is to live life to the fullest. Whether it be bike riding in Malaysia or singing out loud in the car when you know the driver next to you is watching and laughing, take that time remind yourself, YOU ARE ALIVE! Remember...

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

All Awake (I Mother Earth)

I'm BACK! Dont you know it!

Well Its been a while, the blog's should come fast and furious now. I returned from Jeff's wedding in Saskatoon a week ago, after having a great weekend that was topped off with two phenomenal friends of mine getting hitched up. I couldn't have done better myslef in matching that pair. All the best to you Shauna and Jeff!!

One week later, I have my computer out here, and I just had high speed internet hooked up Thursday night...then I promptly crashed my computer with viruses one hour later. Now two days later I have finally got rid of all the worm viruses and spyware, to make my machine workable again. Well it really didn't take that long to fix it cuz in between I went for a short hike with lunch and a book up a mountain. Then this morning I was up bright and early to meet Alex for my first white water rafting trip. Another adventure crossed off the list and all I have to say is that "I gots to get me some more of that"! Grand Canyon here I come...someday!

One other glitch, hotmail is not letting me open any of my emails, so you can send me emails at my new addy:

Now onto bigger and better things...MUSIC. Today's choice is hands down The Arcade Fire and the song to listen to is Rebellion, which I think has the single best use of a piano EVER in a song. WARNING: Repeating this song late at night when drunk in bed will cause you to lie awake all night with visions in your head of little trains and olympic sprinters running in circles towards their journey's end, only their is no finish until you shut the music off or fall asleep. On a side note I haven't been sleeping well lately, but that's another story.

Monday, July 04, 2005



Lake Louise is the Doppelganger capital of Canada! First it was one of the girls that picked me up hitchhiking, she had a very uncanny resemblance to an ex-girlfriend of mine, Angela. Face was very similar, along with the same voice and mannerisms...eerie! Now it is Doppelganger Stan, a friend of mine that I met in China, well we're not so good friends anymore but thats another story. This guy is big, and I mean big like a bull, fiery redhead from Halifax. Now outside my house here two days ago, hanging out on the front stoop was Doppelganger Stan, same bull like build, same red goatee, with longer red curly hair brimming out from under his cap, same little slouch of the shoulders too.

Things are just too weird here, doppelgangers and retarded tourists "where do I go to see the bears?". Its good to be going home for the weekend for a wedding.

Music of the Day: Tegan and Sara, listening to both of their last two albums, classics in my mind.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Rush of Blood to the Head (Coldplay)

Well another week done, and another one about to begin, I am really digging this 4 days on, 3 days off work week!! Day off #1, summited another peak, Day #2 40km bike ride, 25km uphill, and 15 downhill trailride, through creeks, mud, and rock at an altitude of 2300 meters.

Who hear wakes themselves up in the middle of the night singing songs in their head? Twice this week I have awoken in the middle in a fenzied ruch with songs playing over and over in my head. Its like a sugar rush almost, imagine eating 2 chocolate bars and downing a slurpee, and that's kind of what its like. Wide awake and ready to rock at 3am. Is it just something that is wrong with me or is it a testament to how good the song is? Last night it was the Hot Hot Heat and their song Bandages. Earlier in the week it was The Boy WithThe Arab Strap by Belle and Sebastian. Any thoughts on the situation?

Slurpee of the Day: Dont know yet, I'm on my way to get one, I'll decide there.

Song of the Day: I think I have already told you enough, if you don't remember already you deserve to be covered in curry and left at the side of the road to be picked over by the birds and jaguars with big teeth!