Friday, August 12, 2005

Bartender (Dave Matthews)

I read some very interesting news the other day that I thought I would share with all of you.

The European Union has presented a bill that would make it mandatory for any employee working outdoors to cover their bodies fully in clothing to protect themselves from the "harmful" effects of the sun's UV rays.

Maybe you're telling yourself right now that this is not so bad. Well try telling that to the men of Germany. The poor men in the pubs and bars of Gremany must be crying in their beers right now, as their centuries old tradition of barmaids will be coming to an end. You know the barmaids I'm talking about, with the big push up bra, and low cut blouse and bonnet on the head, well they're going to be forced to cover up! And its not just the German men that are crying, how about the 6 million tourists that will flock to the country in a month for Oktoberfest, hoping to drink their steins of beer and oogle the barmaids, they're going to be crying to. As for me, I planned on going to Oktoberfest next year, steins without barmaids, well I want to cry to.

The bill will not be passed for two weeks into EU law, I say we all stand up and fight, maybe someone can hit one of these crummy politicians in the face with a sunscreen cream pie. After all wouldn't a layer of the oh so magical UV blocking cream accomplish the same thing as a layer of clothing. Who's with me!!!


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