Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Lakini's Juice (Live)

So I'm reading a book right now, well actually not cuz I'm typing, but you get the picture.

The title of the book...'Island of the Sequined Love Nun', the first chapter of the book involves a pilot of a cosmetics company's pink lear jet, who decides to take a lady of the night up for a private ride, literally. In the midst of his ride he crashes the plane, hurling the girl off of him, ripping his most manly of appendages off in the process! Later, running away from the wrath of his gun toting, pink purse wearing boss lady he escapes the country only to find himself trapped in the middle of the South Pacific with lady boys, cannibals, japanese, and gay bats!!

Now that is one hell of a premise of a story, I don't think I could have done better myself!!

The author...Christopher Moore, who is an author I think you should check out if you are ever in the mood for a great laugh. I've read one of his previous books, 'Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove'.

I think I will finish the book this weekend while I'm laying on the beaches on the Shuswap Lakes in B.C. I'm leaving on Thursday morning, so adios!!


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