Friday, July 07, 2006

Everything In Its Right Place - Radiohead

"What did you think Mr. Littlejeans?" "Best play ever man!" --Rushmore (1999)

Now swap out the word 'play' with 'day' and you have a pretty good idea of how my day was today. How do you know you are about to begin a good day? When you get an SMS at 9am from a friend asking you to meet up for drinks at 8pm that night. Talk about being on the ball with things over here.

So what do you do when you know you are about to have a good day? Well in my case I phone my parents and then head downstairs to the gym and outdoor pool. Two hours later after a run, a bike ride, a swim, and situps done poolside in the sun. Did I mention the blue skies and unpolluted air, yah I think I did. Then it was off for the afternoon for my first two interviews in Singapore one with an English teaching gig, and one with a film and event management company. I was offered both of the jobs!! I will be working for the film company as a writer and producer, and also as project manager on the events side of things. My first project is going to be with Warner Music, putting together an event for a Madonna promo, and producing the video to go along with the event. So maybe just maybe it is finally my turn for something good to happen, knock on wood! I can't wait to get started!

So cheer to me and cheers to you, hell let's gambei!!


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