Sunday, July 09, 2006

Make You Mad - The Odds

So far I have been spending my time raving about Singapore, so I think I should be fair and let you all in on some the not so good things, cuz many of you know that is what I like to do sometimes, complain. So here you are the Top 3 Most Annoying things about Singapore.

3) Expensive Drinks: The going rate in town for alcoholic beverages in restaurants and bars being between SG$10 – 15, that’s about $7 – $10CDN. To combat these prohibitive drinking prices I have coined the 7 to 7 Night on the Town. This involves buying a drink at a 7-11 (which are only $3CDN) and then mingling down the half block down the sidewalk to the next 7-11, where we then enter and buy another drink. After a few drinks, then enter a bar and nurse a drink over a game of darts or fooseball and depart, heading for the next 7-11, and repeat as needed throughout the night. 727!

2) Bicycles On The Sidewalks: Everyone knows my love for bicycles but not when they’re on the sidewalks. Everytime I am pushed aside onto the grass (you poor bastards stuck in China yes there is grass next to the sidewalks) I want to throw a stick between the spokes. The roads are safe and orderly (no clusterfucks here!) shove your little bell where it belongs and get on the road!!!

1) Singapore Idol: Yes, this bastion on capitalism has found its way over here. It was bad enough in China but at least they had 1.3 billion people to search for some talent, but then again the arts and China don’t really go hand in hand, and it still sucked! I mean really in Canada there are 33 million people to choose from and we still can’t find any “idol” worthy talent, what kind of talent is a county/city of 4 million supposed to have!

So there you are, my rant of the day. Really I have nothing to complain about here except for the fact that it is cloudy here today, the first time in the ten days I have been here, I want the blue skies back. But tonight is the World Cup Final, it starts at 2am local time, so Simon and I are heading downtown to pull off a 727 Night.


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