Sunday, August 14, 2005

What A Feeling!

The next Lance I am not!!

Yesterday was the big adventure race, it consisted of mountain biking, trail running, whitewater canoeing, and road biking sections. I was in charge of grinding out the 27km road bike course on a store rental bike, which coincedentally didn't have a middle gear (of the three front gears) that worked. The middle is the one you're supposed to ride in most of the time. So I show up at the starting line, all 6'3" and 290lbs of me, with my crappy bike, to face off against circus midgets on $2000 bikes! 3-2-1 And they're off!!!

And there I was.

Actually I didn't do too bad considering my chain fell off the bike three times throughout the race. I finished 4min 30sec behind the first place biker, in the middle of the pack It was only my second time on a road bike so I didn't think I did too bad. I think I have Irene Carr to thank for that. Who is Irene Carr? The singer of 'What a Feeling' the Flashdance song. Halfway through the race I was hitting a low, when the Ipod shuffled the next song to the Flashdance song...techno remix!! Now I tell you there is nothing like a crappy 80's song redone to dance floor beats to pick a guy up during a bike race..."What a Feeling". I actually had a spectator come up to me after the race and ask me what I was listening to, cuz they could see me tapping my fingers along to the beat on the bike. "Do you beleieve it"! Overall our team finished in third place, not a bad afternoon.

And just in case anyone wants to know, the remix was done by The Global Deejays.


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